Sustainability Reporting Services in Singapore
What is sustainability reporting and how can it help your business grow? As responsible business owners and stakeholders, we have to look beyond financial assessments when running businesses. The continued advancement of technology which provided benefits to many businesses resurfaced a responsibility for forerunners of the economy, that is sustainability. Sustainability reporting in Singapore is a corporate practice that works for both ends, the company itself and its prospective investors.
Sustainability reporting is a map on the journey for every company with the aim to improve performance in non-financial areas. Research has also shown that companies that disclose their sustainability reports increase investors’ confidence and help build long-term value.
Sustainability reporting services enable organisations to be transparent about the risks and opportunities they face, on top of the economic, environmental and social impacts caused by their daily activities. The report represents the company’s values and governance model, which in turn demonstrates the link between its strategy and commitment to its stakeholders. The process of building and maintaining trust in businesses and governments is fundamental to achieving a sustainable economy. Start your company’s sustainability reporting today.
Top Sustainability Reporting Challenges
Sustainability reporting, just like any other aspects that pillar the stability of a company, is constantly faced with challenges that make professional services valuable. Companies are increasingly finding themselves under the spotlight as the desire for transparency increases. Even so, with the release of such non-financial reports on sustainability, many companies still face a host of reporting challenges such as:
- Is the company’s sustainability reporting compliant with the international Sustainability Report framework?
- Is it externally verified?
- Does it meet the local regulatory transparency requirements?
Principal Benefits of Sustainability Reporting
- Good corporate governance includes giving stakeholders a well-rounded report by tracking and disclosing issues relevant to the environment and social performance of a listed company. This is made possible through a thorough and accurate sustainability reporting.
- Sustainability reporting can also be used for the identification and management of key risks and opportunities
- Improved stakeholder communications by providing a broad-based, non-financial perspective on the organisation
How we can help in your Sustainability Reporting needs:
- Facilitate workshops for issuers/companies/business owners to better understand the Sustainability Reporting project
- Our sustainability reporting experts can evaluate suitability of issuers’ identified international Sustainability Report framework and ESG factors (quantitative and qualitative)
- Draft/review management’s Sustainability Report based on the international framework identified and SGX Listing Rules. Our sustainability reporting services will make things easier for your company, from researching to report generation.